Drive Rite Driving School    1525 Cushman Street Suite# 103, Hollister Ca 95023    (831) 638-4851    fax: (831) 638-4816
News and Updates 2

Holidays are Coming!

The Holiday season is very soon. Thanksgiving and Christmas are heavy travel times both in the air and on the road. Drive Rite wants you and your family to travel safely.

Leave early! Allow plenty of time to arrive at your destination. Slow down a bit and watch for inclement weather conditions. Give yourself plenty of space behind the car in front of you. Don't be rushed. It leads to tailgating and fast driving regardless of the weather. Be ready for slow traffic on get-away days.

Drive Patient, Drive Safe,
Drive Happy, Drive Rite.

Drive Rite Driving School
Drive Rite Driving School
Class Schedule
2025/2026 Class Schedule

The classroom time is mandatory by the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles, every new teen driver must complete the course.

For driver education classes We have guest speakers from the CHP visit our class and provide us with the latest news and current laws. Classes begin soon. For more info call or send an email to Drive Rite. Contact Drive Rite

We fill the seats by first come first serve basis, and space is limited so hurry and register to reserve your spot today. Prepay for the class and it will save you $20!

Thank you, and hope to see you soon!

Drive Rite Driver's Ed Class Schedule:
   Classes are held at:
   1525 Cushman Street Suite# 103, Hollister Ca 95023

Drivers Ed Class Schedule
   Call Office for Availability and Next Date/Time

Driver Training
   Monday - Saturday
   You pick the time that is convenient for you
   Three (3) days total, two (2) hours each day

Remember that the Classroom Driver's Ed is the first thing you need to complete before you can get your California Driver's Permit. We offer an easy and thorough class that will teach you what you need to know to pass that California DMV Written Driver's Test.

Call and reserve your spot today at (831) 638-4851

2010 Ford Mustang GT

Have fun out there ... and Drive Rite!

Beautiful California

Serving the Hollister, San Juan, Salinas, Gilroy and Morgan Hill areas of the beautiful California Central Coast.
Manresa Beach
News and Updates

School Crossing

Welcome to Drive Rite!

School is in, so please drive careful. California has one of the faster speed limits around schools at 25 mph. Nevada is 15 mph and others are 20 mph. Please slow down around the schools. Remember that 25 mph can still cause extensive car damage and can serously hurt pedestrians.

Driving Tips 6

Green Light = GO!! "
WRONG! Green light = look left, look right, look straight, look left again, then go. Just because it is green does not guarantee a safe trip through the intersection.

Same thing goes for stop signs. If it is your turn, you still need to check all directions before proceeding (left, right, straight, left again). What about merges and yields? Same. Even if you have the right-of-way, look all directions and keep safe spacing.

Remember: not all drivers out there pay attention to lights and signs, so you must do it for them ... and for you.